
What is Your Personal Software Development Process?

It seems that, we software developers are always on the hunt for the ultimate process to follow for our 'profession'. We are almost obssessed about the latest methodologies, life-cycles, X-driven developments, agile and heavy-weight approaches; even more so than any other similar industries out there (as far as I know).

Why is it so? I think, it is because of the nature of our field:


Boo Language Gotchas for Python Users

Recently, I have involved in a game development project that uses Unity3D engine which I had no prior experience. I'm trying to get comfortable with it now which maybe a topic for another post. This quick post is about the Boo language which is supported by the Unity game engine for scripting work. Other alternatives are C# and Javascript. I don't fancy the idea of learning C# coming from a Java and a slight no-MS background :), and I know Javascript well enough for this project. But the thing is, coding in Javascript is not much fun.... like coding in Python (for me anyways).